Sunday, July 11, 2010

Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me A Match

Hi.  Remember me?  Sorry I've been lame this week.  It's not even like I was busier than usual, just especially tired and lazy.  I blame our fourth (!) heatwave.  Back to our regularly scheduled programming...

On a sort-of-whim last Thursday, I decided to join  I know of a few people who met their significant others via the internet.  Since I don't want to meet someone in a bar (and we don't really venture out to drink like that's more for dinner), no one has anyone to set me up with, and I'm not going to date anyone I work with, I decided to try this out for a month.  I could meet a creeper in bar, or I could meet a creeper on the internet.  It's pretty much a level playing field these days.

If nothing else comes from this, it's done wonders for my self-esteem. I've had quite a few winks in the last week+.  Side note: who winks in real life?  If someone winked at me at the gym or something I'd be freaked out.  For serious.  I guess there's really no uncheesey way to "flirt" via the internet though.

Anywho.  There are 2 guys that I'm interested in and have been emailing back and forth with.

Bachelor #1 is 23 and applying to law school, and working in a law firm in IT in the same town as job #2.  We have the same views on some things and have a pretty good rapport going.  He's moving next weekend (only about 10-15 mins from me), so as long as nothing major comes up, I'm sure we'll end up meeting.

Bachelor #2 is 24, has a master degree, and works for a research hospital in the city.  He also lives in the city (probably 20-25 mins by car or train), which wouldn't be that convenient during the week.   He tutors in my area 2 nights a week, but they happen to be the same nights I work.  We also have a good rapport going, and he seems really smart and easy to get along with.  We were thinking about meeting up on Wednesday.

Both guys seem really good on paper, which is the drawback of online dating. 

Then there's a third guy that I've just started chatting with.  He's 32 and lives maybe 20 minutes down the highway.  I don't really know much about this one other than the fact that he's been tent camping for the last week up in Maine.

I've already had my biffles check these guys out and weigh-in.  I guess we'll just have to see what happens.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

PS-My new profile picture for here is the same one I'm using.  I guess that gives some sort of frame of reference.  Or something.


  1. How exciting! Okay, word of advice - do NOT tell them about this blog. Why? Because we want you to post about all the details of the meet ups and subsequent romances, and you can't exactly do that if they're reading, now can you.

    The new picture is lovely, although the last one was funny.

    Good luck - can't wait to hear how it goes!

    P.S. My brother met his wife online.

  2. I like the profile pic. I also like Bachelor #1 on paper. I don't know if you could ever ben in a serious relationship with someone that you didn't see much during the week. Also, one of our best friends winks at people when he is drunk. It is hilarious and has worked!

  3. Best of luck and be sure to let us know how they work out.

    I think you're more likely to meet a creep in a bar these days than via the Internet. Or at least, you get a better filtering process with the Internet than you do at a bar.

  4. Good for you! It's not easy to take that leap sometimes but it can be worth it. DH and I met through eHarmony. So it can be done. Just keep in mind that sometimes you have to kiss some frogs, no matter where you meet them.
