Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Worst is Over, You Can Have the Best of Me

Ok, so the Starting Line (which is a super awesome band from Philly) is playing a FREE show at North Star Bar, which is a really intimate setting. Why is this so exciting? Because they’re not technically even together right now. They stopped touring back in 2008, but have played a few shows here and there. I saw them with Motion City Soundtrack before the split.  Such a great show!  The next show after the one in Philly is in north Jersey the day after Christmas. Which I would make the trek for if my mom wasn’t going to be here. I really don’t think she’d be interested in attending. And after that they’re playing in Jakarta and at an Australian music fest. Can’t exactly make the trip for those shows.

So how do I plan on scoring tickets to the free show? I subscribed to a magazine. It’s their show, and they can give tickets to whomever they please. (Did I just use “whomever” correctly?) Anywhom, Alternative Press is giving away the tickets. It’s their 25th anniversary party. So I spent the $8 for the digital version. I figure it’s a great way to find new music.  I found the contest because I was listening to the ol' iPod and thought "I miss the Starting Line" so I googled them to see what was up.  And this show popped up.  It's kizmet.  Or something.

If it's not kizmet so much as a coinky-dink, I could always go down to North Star anyway (half the venue is a bar) and do what I did to get into the Brand New show. Press my face against the window for 45 minutes until the bouncer feels pity and lets me in. Strangely enough, no one else had that idea.


  1. aw, i miss the starting line too! I think i saw them at Warped Tour many moons ago. When is the North Star Bar show? I might be down for attempting to gain access if you can't get tickets.

  2. PS - that song is stuck in my head...and so is the music video with the chubby dude doing dance dance...those were the days...

  3. I have no idea who they are, but the image of you smashing your face up against a window is pretty entertaining!

    Also, you need a follow button, I never know when you post!
