Wednesday, November 7, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

I decide to do a photo a day challenge that a friend posted on Instagram (I'm beckles85 if you'd like to follow me!) by Fat Mum Slim Here's what I've had going on so far.We'll see how often I forget to do it. So far so good!

Day 1: Starts with C. I went with cash because it was late and that's what I had handy.

Photo by beckles85 

Day 2: Color. Yarn!
Photo by beckles85

Day 3: Breakfast. I had cinnamon raisin toast.
Photo by beckles85

Day 4: TV-catching up on Ben&Kate
Photo by beckles85

Day 5: 5:00pm. Watching Downton Abbey.
Photo by beckles85

Day 6: A favorite thing. Blackberry sage tea. Yum.
Photo by beckles85

Day 7: Reflection. My iPhone cover.

Photo by beckles85