Monday, April 16, 2012

The Zoo, a Book Cover and OMG BABY DUCKS!

I gave myself a four-day weekend. I was finished work Wednesday night at 4:00, went to power yoga that evening (hot power yoga, mind you) and woke up Thursday ready. I met up with a friend who moved to Delaware at the Philadelphia Zoo. Try to have a bad day at the zoo, I dare you. I borrowed my work camera in the hopes of getting some shots I could be proud of. I think I succeeded. Here are a few of my favorites:

I LOVE peacocks.

He was in the rare animal conservatory. I love his face and coloring.

My sister is writing a book about our mom and what it was like trying to find her. She asked me to do the cover for her. It'll be an e-book, available soon. She currently has a book of her poetry available for kindle called The Color of Dawn. She's an excellent writer, and I can't wait to read the novel.

Coconuts just bought a house, so I went to see it (it's super cute, btw) and we ventured over to Zern's-a big farmer's/flea/food market. A local pet store has a shop in there where they bring some of their animals. Friday it happened to be BABY DUCKS! And baby chicks. I totally could have had a Friends moment--but I didn't.
This is Alphonse. I should have bought him.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.