Friday, October 29, 2010

I Think I’m An Adult Now

…or at least I’m getting there. It’s a very adult-ish week. Here’s why:

1. My mom is sending her will to me. I’m the executor for both her and my step-dad. I have to sign it and get it notarized. I don’t even know how to do that. Good thing there’s a notary who works in accounting.

2. I’m excited to get paid tomorrow. So I can pay bills. I’ve been paying off credit cards and such and saving for a car down payment as well. Hello being responsible.

3. I’ve been getting my job #2 clothes together the night before. Trust me, this is a big thing.

4. I’ve been better about not buying things that I don’t need (shoes).

5. I’ve grown some will-power. I don’t know if this is considered “adult”, but I feel a little accomplished, so I’m throwing it in there.

And while I still don’t have an apartment of my own, I’d like to think that I’m headed somewhere. I don’t want to go into a lease until I figure some stuff out. Maybe I’ll move. Facebook told me that I should live in San Francisco. Perhaps I’ll plan a trip to Cali—I’ve never been to the west coast!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend and a very safe Halloween. I have to work Sunday night, but I’ll be sporting some devil horns under my stupid visor. At least until I get in trouble.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I've Reached a Plateau

I’ve lost around 10 pounds. Which is great, but now I’m hovering.  I didn't drop anything last week.  (I didn't gain anything either!) It could be due to the plastic pumpkin that’s taken residence in my office that keeps being refilled by my coworkers (which is very nice of them, but bad for my will power.  Hello Reese's cups!), or the fact that I went to a sushi buffet Friday for dinner. I think I ate my body weight in sushi. Then I topped it off with a crepe. Because why wouldn’t a Japanese sushi buffet have crepes? Who cares? They’re delicious.

That’s my problem though. If it’s there, I will eat it. This is true of anything I find yummy-not just baked goods. I’ve been known to pick at the bowl of green beans while talking after dinner at the table. And it really REALLY doesn’t help that my second job is at a bakery. I have a bad habit of taking a bit of something and throwing the rest away. Unfortunately I do it with 5 things that I think look good that day. I really am on working on that. I’ve been munching on pickles (no points on Weight Watchers) instead of cookies.

I’m going to try to lose a few extra points than where I’d like to be before the holidays. That way I can eat all the deliciousness and not feel too guilty about it. Seconds on pie? Please and thank you!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

There’s a New Man in My Life

He’s got big brown eyes, chestnut colored hair, loves to snuggle and is sooo cute when he wags his stubby little tail.  His name is Otis (like Redding), and is a little bundle of love.  My aunt and uncle bought him last week and he’s definitely a part of the family already.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Not A Post About Nothing

**Warning: Actual post with actual real life stuff.  Feel free to skip, it's pretty short anyway.

I’ve been going through an existential crisis lately.  (I don't like the term Quarter-life crisis (QLC), but I guess that's kind of what it is.) What do I really want to be when I grow up? Should I look for a new job now? How and when am I going to travel? Will I get better at yoga? I hate school debt!  I kind of got pulled into the American idea of a life path.  Finish high school--go to college--get a job.  I never really took the time to figure out what my passion is (I still don't know, but I've been working on trying new things!(I guess it's more baking than anything, though. (Now I want cupcakes.)))

I’m slowly figuring things out. I’ve been reading blogs like The Simple Dollar, Stratejoy, and I’ve just found another one called Zen Habits (linked by @doniree on the twitter). And like any of the other blogs I read and comment on regularly, I take from them what works for me and my life and apply them.  Sometimes it's a way to save money or a homemade gift or new recipe, sometimes it's shoes.

There are times when I read other blogs and I think “I want that. Why not me?” . It’s easy to forget that I’m just reading snippets of someone else’s life, not what necessarily goes into a normal day for them. That's what Molly posted about on Stratejoy yesterday.  I think it's a good thing to keep in mind.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


My horoscope for today:

A whirlwind romance, or a sudden, unexpected change in how you feel about a lover or close friend, could take you by surprise today. Say yes to life and do not hesitate to go along with what occurs. Today, the grass really could be greener somewhere else. Almost the only thing you can do wrong is miss a chance to live life to the full by being too reserved or cautious.

Here's hoping this is at least partially true.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Kind of Boring (in a good way) Long Weekend.

I am very munchy today. Which would be normal for a Tuesday-had I gone to yoga last night (I skipped due to massive headache which took 4 excedrin and a bath to make any better). I had a long weekend. My office was closed for Columbus Day. Friday I watched Project Runway and Big Bang Theory (from Thursday night…stupid job #2) and the Phillies game. We won! Sorry, Cincinnati (no I’m not).

Saturday I took my aunt to the airport and ran some errands, then had a biffle date with Coconuts (one of my besties from middle/high school). We kicked it old school-dinner at Applebee’s, then to the Regal 24 for a movie. But not before hitting Target for snacks. Helloooooo middle/high school flashback! Except this time my mom didn’t have to drop me off.

Sunday was filled with laundry and baking. And work. Which was busy. Because both the football and baseball games were late. We can judge pretty well when we’ll be busy based on game times, which is kind of nice. Monday I watched NCIS, then ran around a little, mostly just to be outside. I was going to head to the park and sit outside and read, but it got hotter than I thought and I would have died from heat exhaustion. Probably. Or not.

I hope everyone had a good weekend!